Companion For The Alpaca

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Companion For The Alpaca is a Main Quest in Everdream Valley.


Companion For The Alpaca is unlocked after completing Find the Alpaca and completing the Alpaca Dream.


*Find a companion for the alpaca.

*Introduce the alpacas to each other

*Bring both alpacas to the farm.


Plaque with Alpaca


After you have the Alpaca Dream, this quest will direct you to the North Island. If you haven't already, this bridge can be repaired with just wood. Once you cross, you should find a Beige Alpaca who is sick. That is the Alpaca we need. (If you already repaired this bridge and explored the North Island, there is a chance the Beige Alpaca wandered over the bridge to the Main Island. Check the Map to see if you can spot her map icon and head there instead of the quest marker.)

If you do not already have the recipe, this quest will trigger Grandma to teach you how to make animal Medicine. Use that to cure the Beige Alpaca. Once she's all better, its time for the long trek back to the Sad Alpaca.

You cannot buy an alpaca from the merchant for this to work.

Once you have the Beige Alpaca all healed up, now comes the fun part - you need to then take this alpaca all the way to the Sad Alpaca. As of Patch 1.3, the Magic Flute should be available at the Merchant by this point in your game. Do yourself a favor and go buy it if you haven't already. It will make this part much easier.

Walk the Beige Alpaca over to the West Island and up to the Sad Alpaca. The Sad Alpaca should hop up and do a little dance before becoming pettable. Once this is done, take both alpacas back to the farm to complete the quest.