Find the Alpaca

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Find the Alpaca is a Main Quest in Everdream Valley.


Find the Alpaca is unlocked after completing Materials For The Goat and winning the Goat Dream mini-game.


*Find the alpaca.



Once you receive this quest, head over to the west island where the quest marker is. You will notice when you arrive that Grandpa is here standing by the lake. Beat him at the fishing mini-game and get 4x nails (or if you lost and only got 1x nail, you can keep playing the mini-game until you have 4 total).  If Grandpa walked away after you lost the fishing game, there should be a stool with a fishing pole laid across it. This will start the fishing mini-game again.

Side note: Now that you have the Fishing Pole, you can finally craft more Dog Treats! Simply put the fish into the Treat Maker in the barn.

Now you can fix the bridge to the alpaca on the tiny island. It takes 35x wood and 4x nails. Once fixed, approach the alpaca to complete the quest and unlock the next Dream.