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Farm Structures

There are various structures around the Valley. These structures are found on or nearby your Grandparent's Farm:

Name Description
Farm house Your Grandparents home. You can Sleep here.
Barn The home of your Storage and various farm equipment.
Saw For crafting boards/planks from Wood.
Crafting Station/Workshop Once repaired, can be used to Craft various crafting recipes. (Costs 3x Wood to Repair)
Cooking Station/Kitchen Once repaired, can be used to Cook various food recipes. (Costs 5x Wood to Repair)
Treat Machine A machine found inside the barn that will make 2 kinds of treats. Animal Treats require 4x Any Beetle/Snails and can be fed to Farm Animals. Dog Treats require 1x Fish.
Wind turbine.png Wind turbine With a wind turbine you can electrify the farm. Needs to be repaired during the quest Irrigation System.
Windmill.png Windmill Process flour grain to get flour. Needs to be repaired during the quest New Millstone.
Merchant's Stall Where the Merchant sets up shop each day from 8:00 am - 10:00 pm.

Non-Farm Structures

These are structures found elsewhere in the Valley:

Name Description
Mysterious Hut.png Mysterious Hut A Mysterious Hut in the middle of the Old Forest.
Abandoned Building Various abandoned building and old farms dot the Valley. Some of them might still have goodies inside...
Abandoned Village An old village taken over by mean old geese.