The Second Youth Of The Old Orchard

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The Second Youth Of The Old Orchard is a Side Quest in Everdream Valley.


The Second Youth Of The Old Orchard is unlocked by walking over to the back left of the House and seeing the fruit tress there and then speaking to Grandma.


*Cut down the dead trees and shrubs in the orchard.

*Plant new fruit trees in the orchard.


Restoring the Orchard


To cut down the dead trees and shrubs, look for either the bushes/shrubs that are nothing but sticks or when looking up, trees that have no leaves. Do Not cut down the trees with the white stripe on their trunks. Those are fruit trees and until later in the game, you cannot regrow them once cut down. Once you cut down 10 (or more if you want to clear all of the dead plants out), then you need to go hunting for a shovel/spade.

There should be 3 shovels/spades scattered around the farm. You only need one of them. Once you have a shovel, go hunting for new fruit trees. You need to find established trees, not plant the fruit itself. If you open your Map, you will see several spots highlighted with circles where you can find fruit trees. Explore the main island and dig up the fruit trees you find and bring them back to the farm.

Once there are a total of 10 trees in the orchard, including the ones already there, you will complete the quest. However, feel free to take more fruit trees back to the farm; there is no limit to the number of trees you can plant around the farm.