Small Photographer

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Small Photographer is a Side Quest in Everdream Valley.


Small Photographer is unlocked after repairing the Northmost bridge (wood only) and exploring the area until you get a short cutscene.


*Take a picture of five beautiful places. (0/5)

*Show pictures to grandmother.


*1x Camera



To start this quest, you need to repair the northmost bridge (which requires wood only, no nails!) and exploring around until you get a short cutscene talking about how beautiful the area is. Return to the farm and talk to Grandma. She will tell you that she just can't go with you to see the beautiful place, but then she will give you a Camera so you can bring the picture to her!

Opening the Map will show you 5 spots with markers for this quest. You will notice several of them are in places you cannot currently get to. This quest will not be completed until quite late in the main storyline due to where the last of the 5 pictures will need to be taken.

All you need to do to take each picture is stand in the quest circle designated on the map/mini-map and snap a picture! Easy peasy.

Completing this quest with get you $500 from grandma as a thank you.