More Vegetables - More Cooking

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More Vegetables - More Cooking is a Main Quest in Everdream Valley.


More Vegetables - More Cooking is unlocked after completing Preparations For Cooking.


*Dig out at least 6 new patches.

*Plant 3 different plants in the patches.

*Prepare 3 different dishes other than vegetable stew.


*1x Hoe

*1x Strawberry (PLANT THIS, it is a seed)

*1x Pumpkin (PLANT THIS, it is a seed)


As noted in the Rewards, Grandma will give you a Strawberry and a Pumpkin. DO NOT use these for recipes in the Cooking Station. The Crops themselves are the seeds in this game. Plant these two crops FIRST. Currently, this is the ONLY TIME you will be given these items and you will be forced to restart your save if you use them without planting them first.

To use the Hoe, simply equip it and use it on any green grassy area. If you accidentally create a plot where you do not want it, just sow grass or flower seeds over the plot and it will go back to being grass.

Lastly, cook any 3 recipes at the Cooking Station that are not the vegetable stew you made for the previous quest. Any recipe will count.