Feeders for Animals

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Feeders for Animals is a Side Quest in Everdream Valley.


Feeders for Animals is unlocked after a short cutscene involving deer on the farm.


*Build a feeder (Pasture) in the workshop.

*Place a feeder (Pasture) near the old orchard.


Recipe: Pasture (Feeder)


After spotting deer in your orchard, you will get this quest from Grandpa.

You have a few options for completing this quest. First, craft a Pasture (feeder) at the crafting Station. The easiest and fastest way to complete this is to just place the Pasture near the orchard.

However, if you do not want to have to fill the Pasture every day to keep the deer off your trees, build a small pen somewhere outside the farm, convince the deer to get inside by petting them (might take multiple trips, there are four of them) and then put the Pasture inside the pen with them. Unlike most wild animals, deer will stay trapped in the pen and now you don't have to deal with them coming for your trees!