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Use an Insect net.png insect net to catch butterflies, beetles, dragonflies, fireflies and bees.


This list will contain spoilers on how to obtain all 30 butterflies currently available in the Valley:

Butterfly Locations
Butterfly Location Details
Lasiommata Maera Area 1 - Main Island East of the farm.
High Brown Fritillary Area 1 - Main Island Near the merchant in the Scaber Stalk Mushroom spawn area.
Lemon Leaf Area 1 - Main Island

Area 3 - West Island

Northeast of the farm in the Yellow Boletus Mushroom spawn area. Only out during the day.

Entrance to the West Island and around the Toadstool spawns.

Northern Chequered Skipper Area 1 - Main Island West of the farm near the river bank.
Lesser Purple Emperor Area 1 - Main Island Available after completing "Field Of Primroses"
Red Admiral Area 1 - Main Island East of the farm near the water bank.
Common Blue Area 1 - Main Island Available after completing "Chicory Field"
Birdwing Area 1 - Main Island Northwest of the farm near the river bank.
Asian Swallowtail Area 2 - North Island West side of the area.
The Hungarian Glider Area 2 - North Island Middle of the area near the Toadstools.
Peacock Butterfly Area 2 - North Island Available after completing "Knotweed Field"
Clouded Apollo Area 3 - West Island Southern tip of the area near the river bank.
Marsh Fritillary Area 3 - West Island Northwest area near the fallen log and river.
Blue Oakleaf Area 4 - South Island Available after completing "Dandelion Field"
Cabbage White Area 4 - South Island Available after completing "Daisy Field"
Painted Lady Area 4 - South Island Southern entrance to the goose village.
Purple Emperor Area 4 - South Island On top of the tall hill to the west of the area.
Rhetus Periander Area 4 - South Island Available after completing "Bellflower Field"
The Great Banded Grayling Area 4 - South Island Southwest of the pond on the north side of this area.
The Hermit Area 4 - South Island Southern tip near the lone abandoned building.
Emperor Butterfly Area 5 - Northwest Island Across the second bridge, east of the abandoned farm to the north. (North of the pond with a tiny island in it.)
Euphaedra Janetta Area 5 - Northwest Island
Holly Blue Area 5 - Northwest Island Available after completing "Lupine Field"
Scare Swallowtail Area 5 - Northwest Island Just across the bridge from the Main Island, on top of the hill.
Small Tortoiseshell Area 5 - Northwest Island Available after completing "Scarlet Clover Field"
Silver-Washed Fritillary Area 5 - Northwest Island Across the second bridge, just outside the abandoned farm to the north.
The Mourning Cloak Area 5 - Northwest Island Across the second bridge, on top of the hill straight north.
The Old World Swallowtail Area 5 - Northwest Island Across the second bridge, on top of the hill opposite the Contaminated Pond.
Crowned Hairstreak Area 5 - Northwest Island Accessible after finishing Get Rid Of The Water From The Boar's Home, found under one of the large gnarled trees in a Toadstool spawn area to the southeast of the Mysterious Hut.
Gold Kaiser-i-hind Area 5 - Northwest Island All around the Mysterious Hut area. Only available after clearing the thick, magic fog. Only out in the afternoon/evening.