A Boar In The Valley

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A Boar In The Valley is a Side Quest in Everdream Valley.


A Boar In The Valley is unlocked after completing Bring the Pigs to the Farm and talking to Grandpa.


*Find the boar.

*Try to tame the boar.

*Bring the boar to the farm.


Male Pig & Pig Breeding


Grandpa will tell you about a pig raised by boars. When you go back to the Northwest Island, you are looking for a pink pig with mud on his belly, NOT one of the tusked brown boars. He will be a pink pig marker on the mini map.

Once you find him, he's quick. You will need to catch him, pet him and then try to ride him. It will go poorly - you will likely crash and fall off! This is okay. Now, you can just catch him again, pet him to get him to follow, and take him back to the farm.

If you have the Magic Flute (Patch 1.3), this will come in handy since this is a long walk back to the farm.